Friday, September 29, 2006

Job Ad For Porn Movies Made in KL

My mate Tommy is a bit of a larrakin and sent the following job ad to me in case I wanted to spend my time in KL acting in porn movies.

This ad appeared the other week in a prominent Australian online job database and they're looking for an expat to work in Malaysia. Apparently Kuala Lumpur has a porn industry! 30-40 movies made each year for this company alone is a lot of porn.

My favourite part of the ad: "You will be expected to have sexual contact with a number of adult film personalities including Gay Male, Hetero & Homosexual Females, MILF and Midget Stars. Occasional contact with ANIMAL ACTORS may be required as well."

I said "No thanks Tommy, I love animals but I just don't wanna LOVE animals."

Right, I'll get my coat.....